familiarizing with the environment

The first thing you need to do is to familiarize hild with the environment. In order to familiarize with the environment we have developed a script where the robot ask some questions from the child. The questions are related to the environment and the child will be able to answer the questions. The robot will be able to understand the answers and will be able to respond to the robot. The script is as follows.

No Question/ Request expected answer action models realtime NAO's action Proposed input to model Expected output from model Comments
1 හෙලෝ "........." මේ පැත්ත බලන්න (Name Calling) Child looks at NAO Gaze Yes "Greet him by the name
(හෙලෝ ""…......"")" Session Video Footage probability of child maintaining gaze with NAO
1.01 බබා ඔයාගේ නම මොකද්ද? "…............." (Telling only the name) Speech Yes Random hand gesture/ Body movement "…............." (Responded name) True/False - Child answered correctly or not?
මගේ නම "…......." (Child will respond by name) "Child's answer
(මගේ නම ""…......."")"
Other random answer Other random answer True/False - Child answered correctly or not?
Staty silent Q&A session audio recording Not answered
Child should maintain eye-gaze with NAO Gaze Yes Q&A session video footage probability of child maintaining gaze with NAO
1.02 කෝ බබා කියන්න බලන්න කා එක්කද මෙතන්ට ආවේ කියලා ? අම්මා එක්ක. Speech Yes Random hand gesture/ Body movement (මම ආවේ) අම්මා එක්ක. True/False - Child answered correctly or not?
තාත්තා එක්ක. (මම ආවේ) තාත්තා එක්ක.
මාමා එක්ක. (මම ආවේ) මාමා එක්ක.
"…....." එක්ක. (මම ආවේ) "…......" එක්ක.
Other random answer Other random answer True/False - Child answered correctly or not?
Staty silent Audio recording of the session Not answered
Child should maintain eye-gaze with NAO Gaze Yes Video footage of the session probability of child maintaining gaze with NAO
1.03 ආ... බබාගේ අම්මා එක්කද? කෝ එහෙනම් අම්මා දිහා බලලා හායි කියන්න බලන්න… Child should look at his/ her parent or guardian and wave Gaze Yes Random hand gesture/ Body movement Video footage of the session probability of child maintaining gaze with Parent optional
ආ... බබාගේ තාත්තා එක්කද? කෝ එහෙනම් තාත්තා දිහා බලලා හායි කියන්න බලන්න…
ආ... බබාගේ ".........." එක්කද? කෝ එහෙනම් "…........" දිහා බලලා හායි කියන්න බලන්න…
1.04 බබා කැමැතිම සෙල්ලම් බඩුව මොකද්ද? reply with a name of a toy Speech Yes Random hand gesture/ Body movement name of a toy child has responded with a name of a toy
Staty silent Audio recording of the session Not answered